Alicia Fajardo, creator of the The Fajardo Method of Holistic Biomechanics™, offers online classes and private lessons. Both classes and private personal training lessons provide movement instruction using Fajardo Method® principles of movement.
Group Online Classes
Mat, Motionsculpt, Parkour Circuit and Arch Curl Motion Series classes are offered live or on demand on Fajardo Method Movement.
Personal Training
Fajardo Method personal training sessions are available via Zoom. The cost is $125 for a 55 minute lesson.
Contact Alicia Fajardo at info@fajardomethodmovement.com to schedule a private lesson.
Fajardo Method Workshops
Fajardo Method workshops are offered on a variety of topics such as Fascia, Valve Breathing, Movement in the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Operating Systems, etc.
Fajardo Method Educational Program
Movement educators, body workers, somatic practitioners, etc. who are interested in a deeper knowledge base of the Fajardo method and its application to their current practice can become a certified Fajardo Method of Holistic Biomechanics™ Practitioner.
Participants will learn about the role the nervous system plays in our movement, mood and overall health.
For more information see The Fajardo Method Educational Program